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Kaiju No. 8 is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naoya Matsumoto. Set in a world where Japan is constantly under attack by giant monsters known as kaiju, the story follows Kafka Hibino, a middle-aged man who works for a kaiju clean-up crew, disposing of the remains after these creatures are defeated by the defense forces. Despite his mundane job, Kafka once dreamt of becoming a member of the Kaiju Defense Force but failed numerous times.

One day, Kafka’s life changes dramatically when a small kaiju invades his body, giving him the ability to transform into a powerful kaiju while retaining his human consciousness. Now, as Kaiju No. 8, Kafka must navigate his dual identity, hiding his newfound powers from the world while working towards his dream of joining the Defense Force.

This action-packed series offers a unique blend of monster battles, intense drama, and character growth, making it a standout in modern manga. “Kaiju No. 8” has quickly gained popularity for its thrilling storyline and dynamic artwork, with an anime adaptation in the works.

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